First Site – Fourth Trip – Cannonside Photomosaic

Our fourth trip to the first site on 6.6.2018 was a very brief one, just one dive. The sole purpose of trip was to take good video coverage of the Cannonside wreck, in order to create a photo-mosaic and a 3D model of the wreck; Alko and Barrel wrecks already having such. Topi Sellman, the author of both of the previous ones, spent about an hour videoing the wreck. Below is an image of the result: an orthogonal image of the Cannonside wreck. This image was also used for creating the “edge-enhanced” background image for the Cannonside dive slate and wreck park information board.

Synthesized orthogonal image from video based photogrammetry model













The PDF image below is intended to be used as a dive slate while exploring the wrecksite. This is only an initial draft, so there is a signifficant risk associated with some of the namings. There’s e.g. not much proof, except the location between main gunports, that the gunwale hatch was that of a deck gun. Some of the open issues can’t be solved by examining this fragment of a ship alone, but only by finding the rest of the ship or by finding out its fate.

A dive slate depicting the wrecksite and naming identified constituents














Published byadmin

Current author of this site, Markku Luoto, has been scuba diving since the late 80’s and became involved with marine archaeology in the 90’s as a student in the University of Helsinki. In turn of the millennia, he participated in the building of the Gustav Adolf Wreck Park in Helsinki as a volunteer diver. After the “rush hour years”, he rediscovered scuba diving through his sons, which left him wondering, why the wreck park concept had not hit the mainstream like the reef protection initiatives elsewhere? Thanks to the active dive club Nousu ry, his idea of adopting the wrecks around Stora Träskö island in Porkkala was met with great enthusiasm and the rest – as we now know – will be history 🙂