The sixth trip to the first site 24.6.2018 was again very brief one, just one dive by Rupert Simon and Markku Luoto, but nevertheless an important one. The purpose of the trip was to survey the Träskö’s northern bay area for remnants of the plausible Ruoto-wreck and other potential wreckage, in order to verify the security of the first mooring buoy placement.
Just about two minutes into the dive, we found a single frame depicted in a video linked here. The frame clearly belongs to a clinker built ship of shape and size not matching any of the known (Alko or Barrel) wrecks in the area. Hence I’ve now changed my mind about the existence of the Ruoto-wreck. I find it very likely, that at least a third ship has wrecked on the Träskö reef too.
It remains a mystery however, whether the “clinker wreck” still has a “skeleton”, i.e. keel and bottom timbers lying somewhere to be seen, or whether they have been buried into the bottom silt and only some scattered fragments remain visible.
The curvature of the frame resembles that of many frames lying on the reef just south-southwest from the Barrel wreck, but it it’s almost impossible to determine whether they are from the same vessel without a scientific dating of the frames.